Wednesday 8 September 2021

Why journaling is great for mental health (+tips to start)

Why journaling is great for mental health (+tips to start)

Ever wondered how to effectively handle your anxieties, depression, and insecurities, well wonder no more I have a perfect solution for you and that is...... 


(This post does contain an affiliate link, at no extra cost to you I will receive a very small commission) 

I'll let you into a little secret, growing up I was never one to write and record my thoughts and feelings, It's only been the last few years that I've religiously journaled, and let me tell you it's been an absolute godsend. 

Before journaling, I felt like my head was going to explode with all the millions of thoughts I had a day, all the sadness, anger, resentments. I felt in a constant daze, I'd sleep to avoid the pain, and I'm not ashamed to admit that I was an irritable cow. One day I took the plunge and I brought my very first journal and a nice pen to match. I'm not going to lie, the first page was incredibly daunting because I had no idea what to write. 

I introduced myself and spilled a few facts about me that nobody knows, and after a while it started to feel like a friend I never had, a real comfort to me in my darkest moments. 

There are tons of ways journalling helps an anxious mind, and here are some of them. 

Reduces anxiety 

Journalling can help reduce anxiety by emptying your mind and help you think more rationally. 

Stop obsessing over things

Journalling can also help stop you from obsessing, so let's say you've had an evening out with friends, and you've had one or two glasses of wine and you start to run your mouth in a way that can be deemed inappropriate. Instead of obsessing about everything that happened and getting yourself into that nonstop worrying frenzy, take out your journal and write down what happened, you'll feel a million times better letting all your frustrations out. 

Help unwanted intrusive thoughts 

I suffer these thoughts now and then and they can be terrifying. By journaling, you can write these awful thoughts down no matter how bad they are, just think them, and get rid of them. Instead of wiping them out you're going to write them out. I often cry writing these but that's okay, letting out emotions is healthy.

Be a goalkeeper and take control

Set yourself goals and stick to them. You have no choice because every time you pick up that journal you'll be reminded.

Tips for journaling: 

Set a time of day where you feel the most relaxed, where you can be alone with your thoughts.

Be honest with yourself don't try to look good on the page, nobody is going to see this it's private. You don't have to write neat and watch the language, do what you like it's your personal thoughts scribble, swear, cry do what you want.

be open-minded say whatever you're feeling good or bad, if you're thinking about past memories write them down, if you're worried about a family member write that down, there are no rules. 

However, there is one thing you should consider:

Yes your journal is a place to vent and release all your stress, but if you're struggling with mental health issues, you should always speak to a medical professional first. 

I recently finished my previous journal and it can now be safely tucked away in a shoebox in the spare cupboard until I want to read it again lol. 

Below is my latest journal which I'm going to begin as soon as possible


I love this journal, first of all, it comes in this cute box and second, it has a digital lock, so I can set it myself and nobody will ever know what it is pretty cool right??? 

Here is a link below if you wish to purchase this or one just like it on Amazon


So have I persuaded you to try??? let's hope I have and if you already journal keep at it I hope you enjoy it as much as I do 

Stay safe everybody xoxo 

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