Thursday, 9 September 2021

Astrological Leo traits (let's see how accurate this really is)

Astrological Leo traits (lets see how accurate this really is)

Fierce, ambitious, generous, loyal, warm-hearted, creative, ruthless, and confident are all best used to describe a Leo, no matter what life throws at us we will endeavor to live our best lives and not take any crap in the process. 

Now, if you read the above statement and are thinking to yourself, "this does not accurately describe me."

Welcome to my world. Ambitious, loyal, warm-hearted, and creative yes, however, confident, fierce, and ruthless, I'm not. Growing up, I always pictured how my life would turn out, 

Would I become that fierce, outspoken warrior?

Would I become a natural-born leader and be capable of intimidation when needs be?? 

Sadly no I've grown up the opposite, however, that's not to say I cannot feel that person bubbling away under the surface, every negative situation I find myself in, I simply close my eyes and breath out those bad feelings however, I'm also fighting off that fierce, overwhelming anger flowing through my veins. Anxiety has plagued me my entire life and has zapped away all my confidence, so even though I want to let out the warrior inside me, it's as if an anxiety wall is up and it's impossible to breakthrough. 

Now let's see some of those bad traits

  • Lazy
  • arrogant
  • stubborn 
  • self-centered 
  • possessive
  • childish

I'm not ashamed to admit this, but some of these describe me better than my supposed strengths:

Possessive yes, Stubborn yes, Self-Centered yes. 

Anxiety does make me possessive, I'm so afraid of losing my partner and I feel like he could do a lot better than me. I worry that he will find someone else a far less anxious overbearing person like me, so I am possessive. I try my best not to let him see that, but being the anxious person I am, I wonder who he's texting, talking to, or where he's going. I realize that makes me sound terrible, but it's only because I love him, so yes, a possessive person I think so. 

Stubborn, of course. I fear any new situation if something is not familiar to me I won't do it. If I'm having a few arguments with my partner or family members, I'll never admit when I'm wrong even if I know I am, I'm too ashamed and embarrassed to admit the truth. I do have an extremely anxious mind, so I think and talk about myself more often than not, but that's not me being a complete bitch, it's just the way my mind works, I seek reassurance over everything. 

Let's dive into a little bit of Leo history 

If you were born in between July 23rd and August 23rd you're a Leo. 

Leo is a Latin name for a lion, and we are supposed to be natural-born leaders and always the center of attention. In Greek mythology, a Leo is a Nemean lion who ultimately terrorized the city's citizens, and he had a hideout that was not able to be entered, by securing it with iron and bronze. The lion was killed by one of Hercules's laborers, he broke each of his weapons during the intense fight against the angry man-eating lion. After many hours of fighting, Hercules finally strangled the lion to death and placed it in the heavens as one of his conquests. Pretty crazy right?? 

Now we know a little of the history and how we got our fierce reputation, here are some interesting facts about leos.

* We can get very sentimental over the slightest things.

* We hate being taken for granted.

* When we're upset, we will shut down and may seem heartless. I've had arguments before and some  people have called me heartless because I can either be cold, or I'll say one or two hurtful things, and I know this sounds awful but its a trait I can't change, and after a while, I'll apologize and feel incredibly guilty.

* We're short-tempered and can seem very needy. 

* We like shopping, gifts, and romance.

* We remember every detail no matter how big or small. 

* We're worried all the time even if we don't show it.

* We can often see through people and can spot fakeness a mile off. 

* We're very good at making others happy neglecting our own happiness in the process.

* We love you but you've gotta stop pissing us off or out will come the lion.

* Our eyes tell so many stories, many people have commented on my eyes before saying I look confident, strong, angry, or upset you can tell a lot by our eyes. 

* We're called a lion for a very big reason, we will protect our own and demand respect, My son was having trouble at school once, and being the anxious person that I am, I was terrified of causing drama with the parents, but when it came down to it I let rip and gave them what for.

* We're naturally funny or so I'm told lol, lots of people who I interact with in day-to-day life are usually laughing around me however, I'm not sure if they're laughing at me or with me lol. 

* We will plan everything beforehand, we rarely forget anything. 

* We can decide very quickly if we like you, and if for some reason we don't there's no going back. 

* We can have different personalities, we can be very fun, outgoing, and hilarious one minute, then we will switch and become antisocial, moody, and sad. 

* We can spot bullshit from miles away, there's no point in lying we can see straight through you, and often catch you out later down the line.

* We're very trusting, if we are sworn to secrecy over something we will never tell a soul.

It's crazy to me that most of these describe my thoughts and feelings, I'm shocked but also pretty impressed at the same time 

So how about you, are you a Leo??? and do these traits describe you too??? 

Please comment your answers below 

Stay safe all xoxo 


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