Saturday, 14 August 2021

How good of a best friend are you (quiz + weekly series)

How good of a best friend are you (quiz + weekly series)

Hey friends ā™„

I hope you're all safe and well. I'm going to kick my first blogging series off in this post, and I'm super excited because I've created my own quiz and I thought it would be so much fun to post these for all you lovely lot and my amazing subscribers. I'm going to post once a week, they're not to serious they're fun to complete, and I cant wait for you all to try them. šŸ˜® 

So my very first quiz is all about friendships šŸ™ŒšŸ™ŒšŸ™Œ

How good of a best friend are you????

Are you good?? 


Are you bad?? 

*Please note these are obviously just for fun and giggles, and not to be taken to seriously*

So Lets have some fun and find out which one you are. 

Click the play button below 

So which one were you? 

I'd love to know your answers. 

Was this fun or boring?? 

I made the quiz up myself, so I'd love love love some feedback. If you did like this please feel free to leave me suggestions below for a type of quiz you'd like to see me create. 

Remember to subscribe, and keep an eye out for next week, as a new quiz will be released every Sunday. A nice fun post to hopefully brighten up rather dull Sunday nights. 

Stay safe everybody ā™„


  1. This was fun! And I'm the best friend in the world haha! Thanks for a bit of a laugh :)

    1. Yay you're amazing. That's okay I'm glad you liked this, thanks for participating. ā™„

  2. It was fun! Iā€™m the best friend in the world šŸ™‚

  3. This was such a fun quiz! I'm the best friend in the world, thanks for making such an entertaining quiz <3

    1. Thank you, I'm so glad you enjoyed it keep an eye out for more every Sunday ā™„

  4. This was a fun quiz! I got best friend in the world ļæ½ļæ½

    1. Thank you for participating, I'm glad you liked it. Keep an eye of for more every Sunday ā™„
