Thursday 12 August 2021

Why I started blogging, and 9 things I want to achieve


Why I started blogging, and 9 things I want to achieve

Hey friends ♥

Starting this blog is something I've wanted to do for a very long time, I've read countless blogs and I've always wondered if I was brave enough to create my own, and bare my entire soul to strangers on the internet. However, I ignored my anxieties, made myself a warm cup of coffee, grabbed my laptop, and loaded up blogger. It was super fun to design the blog and try my damn hardest to find a name I liked, and the rest is history. 

One of the main reasons I wanted to start this was to not only make friends with like-minded people but, I feel this can help my mental health. I struggle with anxiety and depression I have for many years now, and I've always kept a journal where I write down everything my anxious brain thinks and feels, so now I'm going to write my fears, thoughts, and general life on here and hopefully entertain you all so you can stick around. 

Another reason is that I barely speak to anybody on a day-to-day basis aside from my partner, son, and my poor cat, who has to endure hours of rambling and the occasional tears but, he can't talk back to me, so its a wonderful thing :) 

So I'd like to share fun posts with stories I've experienced, reviews, crochet, facts, I've even created a page dedicated to my little fur baby (not so little he's 9 now) where I'll share his weekly antics and cute pictures.

What I want to achieve.....

1) I want to help people who are struggling with anxiety or depression by sharing some tips and tricks that have helped me over the years, I know exactly how hard it is, I still have my very down days where I don't even want to get out of bed, but being a mum I have to push myself to carry on with life the best I can, to try my absolute best not to show my son how I'm feeling. So I want to help you all and be supportive to you all. 

2) I do have an Etsy store where I sell crochet items and patterns, I'd love to reach more customers to boost my little mini business. So I'll also be posting a few free patterns and my latest projects for you all. If you want to take a little look check it out HERE

3) I'm also very overweight right now, and I want to use this platform to record my weight loss to help motivate me, and if anybody else is struggling with weight loss or are on a new weightloss journey right now we can support each other, motivate each other, laugh about our occasional (naughty and intentional hehe) little treats, and give each other tips and tricks. 

4) I watch a lot of movies, in particular horror films, and I've always got so many views and opinions on them, so I want to write them all on here and see if any of you feel the same. 

5) I want to be able to review any new products I come across, so you can go out and try them all yourself 

6) I lack organization, I would love to get this all in check, and I feel blogging updates and recording my progress will really help me

7) Share my views on any subject I come across that deserves a good old-fashioned bitchfest. I can think of a very huge list right now, more on that soon. 

8) I love cooking every now and then, and I would love to share some recipes with you all 

9) simple tips and tricks on life that I've picked up over the years

So there are 9 things I want to achieve and why I began this blog. So keep an eye of for my latest posts, don't forget to subscribe for all my weekly updates. If you missed the box simply refresh the page and sign up, no spam I pinky promise.

Comment below if there is anything I've missed out that you would like to see on this blog, and If you have a blog leave me a link, and I'll check it out. Take care, everyone ♥♥


  1. These are some brilliant blogging goals! I have anxiety and depression too, and I've found blogging is a great outlet for those feelings. Have fun blogging and can't wait to see what else you write!

    1. Hey, thank you so much for reading. Yeah I feel it can really help a lot and I'm so excited to write everyday. Thank you, I'm excited to share with all of you. ♥

  2. Welcome to the blogging community! I also initially started my blog to share mental health tips and support x

    Sophie |

    1. Hey, thank you so much and thank you for reading. ♥

  3. Welcome to blogging Julie. I'm on my fourth (?) blog. It can be daunting at first but...well... it still can be. I agonize sometimes over some posts before hitting the publish button. It is fun and most of all fulfilling. Looking forward to more of your posts - especially the recipes.

    1. Hey thank you so much for reading. Four that's amazing, I've felt the same with my first few posts, I was so scared to publish but I thought oh well just do it, and so happy I did. Thank you, yes I'll be posting lots of recipes I have one lined up for next week. ♥
